Areas of Practice

Workplace Assessments


After concluding a weekly staff meeting, a sense of unease settles in. While reflecting on the changes brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic and the stress that the team has endured, you cannot shake off the feeling that something is amiss. Rumblings of disengagement by some employees and disruptive behavior by others add to the concern.

How do you get a better understanding of how the team and individuals are really doing right now?  How can you measure these behaviours and the impact they are causing on the team and the operational performance?

To gain a deeper understanding of the team's well-being and measure the impact of these behaviors on operational performance, it is essential to take concrete steps. Conducting a workplace assessment is a valuable tool that can reveal performance gaps and suggest corrective strategies. By proactively identifying issues before they escalate, workplace assessments help to improve the culture, promote employee engagement and empowerment, and create a positive work environment.

In summary, completing a workplace assessment can provide valuable insights into how a workplace is functioning, paving the way for more effective strategies to address potential challenges.

Organizational Reviews


As we head into a post-pandemic environment everything has changed, and organizations are asking, "How are we doing?". 

In the current post-pandemic landscape, organizations are seeking clarity on their performance amidst the many changes that have taken place. Prior to the pandemic, most organizations had a strong sense of their strategic plans, vision, mission, and values. However, the pandemic caused a significant disruption, compelling leaders to question their purpose and adapt their strategies to the new reality.

According to a recent Forbes* report, leaders are facing key challenges such as providing flexibility in work arrangements, including hybrid working environments, and addressing evolving customer expectations around the value of services and products.

To navigate these challenges and remain relevant, organizations must conduct periodic reviews of their operations. Such reviews are essential when management and employees feel frustrated or when there is internal conflict, which could indicate that the organization's direction needs to be reassessed. An organizational review, assessment or scan provides a systematic evaluation of an organization's processes, work environment, and structure. These reviews can help identify critical issues and opportunities to improve overall effectiveness.

At Noël and Co., we employ a range of tools to conduct interviews, evaluations, and surveys to unlock an organization's highest potential. The reviews are strategic and improvement-focused, aiming to identify organizational strengths and weaknesses and determine the knowledge, skills, resources, and capabilities needed to achieve strategic objectives and priorities. By conducting regular organizational reviews, companies can stay on track, adapt to changing environments, and maintain relevance in a dynamic business landscape. 


Fact-Finding & Investigations


Our attention has been drawn to Department A, where there are concerns over the recent performance of the team. The situation appears to have been exacerbated by a new manager, who was promoted from within the organization. We have received reports of increased employee grievances and high turnover rates, and the rumor mill suggests that Department A is now perceived as a "terrible place to work".

It is imperative that we act immediately to identify the root cause of these issues. If left unchecked, the negative comments and incivility among the team could lead to formal allegations or a triggering event, which would require a thorough investigation by law.

To address this situation, we recommend conducting a fact-finding exercise. Fact-finding is a structured, confidential process for gathering information about a specific incident or issue. To ensure impartiality and objectivity, we recommend engaging a third-party neutral to interview the parties involved and collect reliable information. The findings of these exercises are documented in a report, which can serve as a basis for further action.

It's worth noting that internal fact-finding exercises may not yield the full story, as internal colleagues may be hesitant to disclose critical issues. Therefore, we suggest that we engage an external third-party investigator to conduct a more formal investigation. Investigations are more structured, use specialized terminology, and require detailed reporting, as their outcomes are relied upon to determine any subsequent consequences.

In conclusion, we must act promptly to identify and address the issues in Department A. By conducting fact-finding and investigations, we can establish the facts of the matter and take appropriate action to rectify the situation.

Human Resources (HR) & Labour Relations (LR) Services


The executive team has requested your presence in a meeting. They have expressed a sense of urgency towards the required changes and have asked whether the deadline for completing certain projects can be moved up. Additionally, they have made a request for a deliverable to be produced within a shorter timeframe than originally planned. You contemplate, “Can we get this done next week?  Can we complete that project by year-end? And, we need this by tomorrow!”   

In this post-pandemic era, today's leaders are facing the challenging task of resetting even the most fundamental aspects of their organizations. As they navigate this uncertain terrain, they require assistance at every step. It is essential to reset, reassess, develop, and establish the "new normal" as soon as possible, given the high demands, new legislation, and numerous moving parts and questions. However, with limited resources, such as a lone HR manager or a small internal HR team, it is challenging to keep up with such demands.

At Noël and Co., we understand the need for HR and LR services that can help you tackle these challenges effectively. We have extensive experience in both unionized and non-union environments and can assist you with your employee relations, labor relations, outplacement counseling, and general human resources needs, including occupational health and safety and workplace accommodations. We have a proven track record of delivering successful HR initiatives, which you can find listed on our website.

We can help your team and leaders prevent and resolve workplace disputes through our expertise in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) programs. Our experience in this area will assist you in ensuring the principles of EDI are experienced within your organization.

At Noël and Co., we offer multiple training programs for leaders that provide support now and tools for the future. Whether you have small or large projects, we welcome the opportunity to assist you.

Workplace Restoration


A team that had been subject to rumors and informal comments for years finally underwent a fact-finding exercise with the help of a neutral third-party. The report provided by the exercise highlighted several issues and suggestions for the next course of action. However, the participating employees are eagerly anticipating the implementation of changes. Although the leaders can make some quick short-term changes, there is a feeling that more needs to be done to reunite the team.

Our workplace restoration services are designed to address the aftermath of prolonged conflicts, allegations of bullying and harassment, investigations, terminations, and other stressful events that can impact your team's morale and productivity. Our services include group presentations, mediation, one-on-one coaching, and customized training programs that are tailored to meet your unique needs.

Our team of experienced professionals understands that workplace relationships are critical to the success of any organization, and we are committed to helping you rebuild trust, foster mutual respect, and create a positive and productive culture. Whether you need to "realign", "restore", "reset", or "reboot" your team, we have the expertise and resources to help you achieve your goals.

Our restoration process is especially relevant in today's environment, where the impacts of COVID-19 have disrupted workplace dynamics and created new challenges for leaders and their teams. By working with us, you can restore your team's focus, dissipate resentment and stress, and create a more engaged and innovative culture that enables your organization to thrive. We are also here to support you in the first step of any significant cultural redesign.

Don't let workplace conflicts and stressors hold your team back. Contact us today to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help you create a more productive and positive workplace environment.



A new code of conduct has been recently introduced, which outlines expectations for virtual meetings and remote work. It has been recognized that certain aspects of these guidelines will affect unionized employees, contractors, and managers in varying ways. To maintain stability in the workplace, it's crucial to convey a consistent message.

Noël & Co. offers the expertise of skilled educators and trainers who can visit your organization to create, execute, and assess tailor-made educational initiatives. Our range of training programs encompasses topics such as workplace civility, effective communication, and leadership development. We prioritize meeting the unique requirements of our clients and offer flexible delivery methods for our training programs.

Conflict & Mediation Services


Workplace Conflicts Happen! It's inevitable for conflicts to arise in the workplace, but it's crucial to address them promptly and effectively when they do.

 Our goal is to help people who find themselves in conflict to work through their differences and come to a resolution that they can all agree on. To achieve this, we employ professional facilitative techniques, which are designed to make conversations productive and constructive.

Through our mediation process, we create a safe space for conflicting parties to share their concerns and feelings openly and honestly. We encourage active listening, empathy, and effective communication skills, so that everyone involved can understand each other's perspectives and find common ground.

Once the parties have reached a resolution, we offer a follow-up restorative process to help them move forward in a positive direction. This can include ongoing support to ensure that the resolution is being implemented, as well as further training in communication and conflict resolution skills.

We believe that everyone has the capacity to resolve their conflicts in a peaceful and constructive way, and our professional facilitative techniques are designed to support this process. Our aim is to create a space where parties can communicate effectively and respectfully, ultimately leading to a resolution that is satisfactory for all involved.